Rosehip Syrup
I really look forward to this time of year, mostly due to the abundance of the hedgerow. Rosehip syrup is one of my favourite things to make, it’s great on pancakes, porridge and yoghurt, just to name a few. They’re best to pick during September and October. This method is taken from the River Cottage book and it’s one of the easiest methods out there!
1kg rosehips, trimmed and washed
About 500g granulated sugar
Start by sterilising* some clip top or screw top bottles.
Blitz the rosehips in a food processor (you might need to do it in a couple of batches). Add them to a large saucepan, adding 1.25 litres of water.
Bring them to the boil, turn down the heat and then simmer for 15 minutes.
Strain the mixture through a double layer of muslin. Let the pulp sit for up to an hour, making sure all the juice has passed through the cloth.
Discard the flesh pulp from the muslin, wash it out and reuse it to strain the juice that has been passed through already. This second strain will help ensure none of the irritant hairs from the rosehips will be removed.
Measure the juice and add it back into a large pan. For every 500ml, add 325g of sugar.
Heat slowly, stirring, until all the sugar has dissolved. Bring it to the boil for three minutes and skim off any scum. Decant immediately and seal.
Keep refrigerated once opened.
*preheat oven to 100°C. Wash bottles in hot soapy water and leave in oven to dry out.